What Lead to Performing

March 24, 2007

What a night! We had a great night at Pappy and Harriets, with a very enthusiastic crowd. What fun!! Then, I had the privilege of going to a performance at the dome next door that was really special. “The Cracked Eggs” performed. They are a bunch of people who are disabled in some way or other, either mentally or physically, and they dance, sing, and act in very uninhibited, innocent, and charming ways. I loved it! This was followed by some great middle eastern dancing by a very talented girl named Tasia. I love to see people really able to move their bodies in beautiful ways. It’s so inspiring. It makes me want to dance again. The years that I took dance were SO fun! It opened up a whole new world for me and really boosted my confidence. In fact, I think it set the stage for me wanting to perform with Steve again. And look where that took me! I’m singing in a band every weekend!

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